01543 452327

Class Teacher: Miss M Jukes

Support Staff: Mrs C Couchman & Mrs J Kelly

PE Days: Thursday


What makes us so special?

Year 5 is such an important year. Not only is it a time when we are learning more about ourselves, but also a time when we take a responsibility for our own learning ready for Year 6. We know we learn from our mistakes and challenges are fun. Our class is full of smiles and laughter which in turn helps us to work hard.

Important dates/information

School App For Parents & Students | Boost Parental Engagement | Weduc -  Weduc 

 All important information and dates are shared on our parent communication - WEDUC. You will also find termly newsletters here. Please speak to the school office if you do not have access to this app.


Home reading is vital, and all children are expected to read daily for 10 minutes. Reading help strengthen the brain, build up vocabulary and boosts cognitive development.